If you were to ask me if I'd ever had the bad luck to miss my daily cocktail, I'd have to say that I doubt it; where certain things are concerned, I plan ahead. - Luis Buñuel

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Day 2 - "Maxwell's Silver Hammer"

My contractor told us that yesterday would not be very productive so imagine my surprise when I arrived home and found my sinks and most of my cabinetry thrown unceremoniously onto the back deck.  I was thrilled!  Destruction reigned, and it was glorious.  I can't wait to see what tonight brings.  I really should be posting pics but I'm still a neophyte at this blogging and just don't have the time to fool with it right now.  Maybe later. 

Of course, Mr. D actually looked pleased and completely jinxed us by saying that maybe we will be back into the house sooner than we thought.  Um, hold up Sparky, it's only the 1st day.  Demo is easy, infrastructure and sheetrock are not. 

The dogs are adjusting to life very nicely and it's pathethic how thrilled I can get over a dog pooping outside.  I mean, I didn't want NNBD to explode!  Or worse, go inside.  I did realize how spoiled I was at home with being able to let the dogs roam freely in the backyard.  My friend's home only has a deck and no fence so dogs must be walked on leash for every outing.  They always get morning walks which are no biggie.  But at 5 pm and 8 pm, it's 100 freaking degrees here!  I was pretty much a sweaty, disgusting mess by bedtime. 

Looking forward to holiday weekend although we had to scrap our annual 4th of July party.  (Hmm, maybe we should have had a demolition party and saved some money.  "Here's a beer and hammer, get to work!"  On second thought, maaaaybe not.  I doubt our liabilty insurance could cover that nightmare.)  Instead, we are going to my friend Sara's neighborhood party to hang out which should be a blast. (Shout out to the   wattshometeam.blogspot.com !)

So far, so good.  Cheers for now!

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