If you were to ask me if I'd ever had the bad luck to miss my daily cocktail, I'd have to say that I doubt it; where certain things are concerned, I plan ahead. - Luis Buñuel

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Day 101 - "We Can Work It Out"

In typical fashion, my contractor contacted me yesterday wanting our paint choices....like today.  And, of course, I did not have the foggiest notion of what I wanted.  (Hi, I'm Mrs. D and I'm a procrastinator!)  Thankfully, in swoops "Architect-man" and his interior design friend who showed up at 5 pm with a trunk of paint chips, literally.  Within 40 minutes, we had narrowed down every room to three choices.  Now just need to get them on the wall and make a decision.  Whew!

And we just decided yesterday that maybe, with all the gutting and work being done to the bedroom, that we might want to re-do the gas fireplace that has the colonial-looking mantle and green marble accent tile.  Keep in mind that our house is ranch, mid-century so we are going very modern & clean.  Why would even think keeping that would work?  (smacks forehead) So this is apparently where the budget starts going out the window.  Ugh. 

I have a feeling things (hopefully) will start going very quickly.  And we did finally pick out door hardware.  Stayed tuned for cabinetry. 

Had a nice, but tiring, birthday weekend.  Basically went to bed at 9:30 every night.  I think at my age, that actually counts as a successful weekend! 

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